birthdays I'm posting about my damn cats again

The Catsylvanians have had a birthday

Freckleface and Gingerballs turned three years old on April 20. I simply cannot let the date of their birth pass without posting this picture, which I know I have posted on this blog before as a lolcat but which still cracks me up mightily, even sans words.

tongue action

It’s really weird that I thought Jack was a girl back then. He grew up to be a big ol’ boy. And Sally is my little ninja. Right now they’re lounging on the pet beds in the office — Jack to my left and Sally to my right — just waiting for me to go to bed so they can either crank up their energy and stalk around the house like tiny psycho tigers OR sweetly get in bed with me and keep me warm. I never really know what they’ll be in the mood for from night to night. They like to keep it interesting that way.

Here’s to finally being out of those terrible twos!

If, for some reason, you find yourself unable to find any photographs of cats on the internet, might I direct you to this compilation?