politics racism why am I telling you this?

Lost cause

Editor’s note: I wrote but never published this in late January 2021, just a few weeks after the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol and about two years into going low contact with my parents and no contact with my sister. It has taken three years, but I finally feel ready to share it. — Lindsey On Jan. 6, I was in a video conference call for work when rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol.…

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news newspaper stuff racism

Old news

When my friends Brandon and Amanda moved into their new apartment, they came upon an April 4, 1950, issue of The Commercial Appeal, and they were kind enough to let me get my grubby paws on it. The thing is quite yellowed and brittle, and has a tendency to shed bits of itself as you flip carefully from page to page. It’s fascinating stuff; the pages are absolutely chock full of tiny briefs and stories…

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Memphis news racism

I don’t care about who Russell Wiseman is; I care about what he did

Anyone living outside the 901 might have missed this, but it’s also possible that they might have caught it on the Drudge Report or Huffington Post or any number of widely read sites that picked it up: Arlington Mayor Russell Wiseman was pissed that President Obama’s Afghanistan address cut into the showing of the Peanuts Christmas movie and ranted on Facebook about how it was a conspiracy by our Muslim president to suppress the Christian…

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news politics racism


Did y’all see that story that caused Matt Drudge’s latest scandalgasm? The one where the white campaign worker in Pittsburgh claimed she was attacked by a black man who became enraged when he saw a McCain sticker on her car, and pounced on her, beat the crap out of her, then carved a B into her cheek? Yeah. That story, didja see it? Well, guess what. She made it up! HT: Sully, who also calls…

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