
Write something

Write something. Write write write something. Anything. Use words to conjure up pictures in other people’s heads and yes maybe even your own. Stop asking why. You know why. You have to do it. It’s as much an instinct for you as blinking and breathing are. Can you imagine how awful it would be if one day you woke up and you couldn’t muster the energy to blink or breathe anymore? Your eyeballs would shrivel…

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She is wise (except for the mint and chocolate thing)

parenthood randomosity why am I telling you this?

Sick-day blogging, whee

I stayed home from work today. Blame it on not getting home from work until 1 a.m. and then being up half the remaining night with an angry stomach. I have powered through days on three hours of sleep more times than I care to recount but today it was not happening. I fed my baby breakfast and kept him away from sharks and live wires until naptime, and then I went back to bed.…

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Things that are annoying and should end immediately

• Ombre hair • Mariah Carey videos where she tries to seduce the camera • Videos on Instagram • War and poverty, duh • Bread with DHA in it (AKA fish bread)

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Here’s a good article on hospital birth…

… and finding a balance between medically necessary interventions that improve birth outcomes and those interventions that only serve to expedite the birth process but usually end up complicating it. >> Labor, Interrupted in Harvard Magazine The article is very even-handed and points out the importance of C-sections for women who need them. Having the option of a C-section is crucial. But the idea that 1 in 3 women needs a C-section to give birth…

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I used to have this perception of adulthood…

… as being this time of settling into wisdom and really coming into myself and becoming comfortable with this crazy thing we call life and getting to carve out time to be better and feel better and do better. But adulthood has been nothing but nonstop, exhausting insanity, like some fucked-up round of Whack-a-Mole that never ends, where the little dudes are not only popping up but popping up in flames that spread and the…

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Deep thoughts while cramming taco salad into my face in the workplace lunchroom

You ever notice how Pepsi machines put the Diet Mountain Dew button above the regular Mountain Dew? Probably not because I’m sure you never patronize Pepsi machines. But if you ever stroll past one on your way to a Coke machine, take a look. I have a theory that it’s because that is the only fucking way they can sell Diet Mountain Dew — to trick people into thinking they are buying a regular Mountain…

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