relationships the manfriend

One year

I met him on a Friday night in front of the Saucer. He was wearing a muted green polo shirt and his hair had gel in it. He offered a warm smile and a nice, easy hug. I was nervous beyond all reason; I’d never even heard his voice and I am bad, baaaaad at dating. We’d just exchanged a few Facebook messages and then some texts so I honestly had no idea what I…

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relationships the family

Unsolicited advice

The man was wearing a bright red shirt — was it red? Lord, my memory is bad — and he was smoking a cigarette outside the chain-link entrance to a parking lot Downtown, a grin creeping across his face as we walked closer. “I don’t know if y’all are married or not,” he said, “and I didn’t want to say anything, but if you’re not, you better be soon!” We looked at each other and…

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relationships the manfriend

A play about the world’s funniest girlfriend

Boyfriend: [leaving the study-oasis couch stacked with books and index cards and hot-pink page tabs and legal paper to come into the office where girlfriend is on computer] I’m going to draw a pink heart on you. [takes back of girlfriend’s hand and draws small heart with highlighter] Girlfriend: Okay. [waits as boyfriend fills in the outline of the heart] Ha! [flips hand over] It looks like balls! [flips hand] Heart! [flips hand] Balls! Hahaha!…

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it's true — I'm crazy relationships

I like to think

… that every time someone hurts me, I get to put a little karma coin in the bank, which I can cash out later to go on an emotional holiday. That makes no sense but it’s the only fucking thing that keeps me in the game sometimes.

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relationships the family

Where it will go

I have been laid low a few times in my life. Luckily (or perhaps sadly, depending on your perspective and how much you like to see me suffer), not too terribly many times. Nonetheless, this weekend I found myself on my floor in a heap, a demon of despair escaping from my lungs in great heaves. It was not pretty and it was not cathartic. It just felt like death. The death of all the…

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photos relationships

Yes, hello

I am here, I am a little shaken, but I am okay. Again, as they always do, my friends and family have gone above and beyond for me. I don’t know how I got so lucky. I’m deeply humbled, endlessly grateful, and I’ve got a lot to think about. It’s not quite time to write about it all yet, but in due time I’ll get it down. Thank you to everyone who gets me by.

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