musings project 365 The Universe

Day 365 — Cheers!

[for Monday, Dec. 31] Okay, so I got the issue all figured out. Turns out I had duplicated Day 318, so it’s been off since then. As far as I know, I’ve gone back and renumbered everything since that day, so we should be kosher. I had some days in there that were just crazy off. Like, 224 instead of 324. Etc. Proof that you can blog in your sleep! So this last photo —…

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I'm posting about my damn cats again my special stupidity The Universe

Well, that was pointless

I just drove 20 minutes in a hooptie with two mewling cats to the vet for booster shots, only to be informed when I got there that all the doctors had just left for their two-hour lunch breaks, and could I come back at 2? Um, no. Look, Universe, I know I’m not in charge, but that is some stupid shit. Make those doctors stagger their breaks, wouldja?

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