
Meet my new kitten

this is my new kitten

He/she does not have a name yet, as he/she has only been in this world since April 20 and therefore does not have an easily identifiable gender.

Therefore, the floor is open for names — unisex names obviously being the easiest and most egalitarian to choose at this point — but I will certainly pass along the gender once it’s identified (the entire world’s axis rotation depending on a gender ID, yeesh) so that we can name this little cutie before I bring him/her home around June 1.

16 thoughts on “Meet my new kitten”

  1. Is the cat all orange? Because I just learned the most awesome thing, that like 99.9% of completely orange cats are boys. So, if he’s all orange, he’s probably a boy. But if he’s got some white, he could be a she.

    Anyway, I think you should name him Alton Brown.

  2. Second what B said. You have a big ol’ boy cat on your hands. I’ve never seen a ginger tabby that wasn’t male. But my experience has been that males are more affectionate than females (this is not scientific, of course). I love my boy, Eddie. Given that my cat’s name is Eddie, I will not suggest an equally shitty name for your cat. I’ll spare you.

  3. I want a kitty. We just have a three-year-old homeless cat who leaves human-size turds all over the apartment.

  4. I didn’t know that about orange cats. Yep, he seems to be all orange, so I bet he’s a boy. My dad’s preliminary peek between the legs seems to confirm as much. He’s a gender diviner.

    In that case, Alton Brown is too cute!

    Ha, Lesley. I don’t think Eddie is a shitty name for a cat! You’re talking to someone who named every cat she ever had “Tigger.”

    Fritz, we’ve got two more my parents are itching to get rid of. I can box one up and send it to you, free of charge. :)

  5. I’ve always wanted to name an orange boy kitty Sherbert. You could call him Bert for short.

    My parents have a girl orange kitty. Her name is Tang.

  6. Just to be contrarian, I have two cats that look like that, and both are girls. Orange boys are apparently much more common, but it’s not a guarantee. I found that out after I named the second one “Charlie.” What a cutie, though!

  7. Cute! He looks like Lebowski, who I had to get rid of when I moved to Corinth. *sniffle*

    I usually pluck names from favorite books or movies. You remember my cousin Megan? She has a black cat named Devil Bird, so named because it looked like a tiny bat when she first brought it home. I can’t tell you how funny it is when her little boy calls him. This sweet, toddler voice, saying “Devil Bird”.

  8. I’m in no position to name cats…not when two of mine are “Stinkly” and “Frizzly”. I can offer this, however. A good cat name rolls effortlessly off the tongue when you yell it at them for doing something bad…which is an inevitability.

  9. Oooh, that’s good advice. In that case, I might have to go with “PIGFUCKER!!”

  10. I have a female orange tabby. It’s true about their rarity. And she’s plenty affectionate, too.

    Don’t be in a hurry to name him. Let his personality show itself and let his adventures begin. Usually something will happen and a name will suggest itself.

    Bear in mind, though, this is from a guy who has had cats named: Wildman, Dirtbox, Mom, Princess Grace, Sprung, Sir Richard Francis Burton, Black Diamond, Petey Wheatstraw, Gigantor and now Bennie. :-)

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