pregnancy the manfriend

Week twenty-three

This week has been blessedly free of medical freakouts and frantic internet searches leading to endless threads of panicked women posting their diagnoses and speculating about what they mean. In other words, this week has been a breeze. Okay, sort of. My body is starting to do some crazy shit that is taking its toll on me. It feels sometimes like my organs are in danger of falling out, either through my gut or through…

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photos the family

So this is why people tell me I look just like my dad

friends project 365 (2009) work

Day 203: A Bit Brighter

My boss had her baby! So we sent her some flowers. The kid emerged a giant: Nine pounds, fifteen ounces. THAT’S LIKE THIS BIG. Can’t wait to meet him. In the meantime, I am tasked with keeping my department running. Until October! Last week was a clusterfuck because of scheduling mistakes (mine, naturally) and vacationing co-workers and the feeling that I had tossed myself into some kind of boiling vat of stresswater. But that was…

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