I can't believe I'm talking about sports memories

How many Chipper puns should I try to make for this title?

I caught wind on Twitter that Chipper Jones is retiring. I haven’t kept up very much with Chipper or baseball in general for many years, but back in seventh or eighth grade, I fell hard for Chipper. I just happened to see his face flit across the TV during the game and I was instantly in love. He had that easy boyish grin that always hooks me. I watched the game to find out his…

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I can't believe I'm talking about sports Memphis Project 365 (2011)

Day 100/365: Play Ball!

At long last, baseball season is here. Thanks to Jen, I got to get comfy in the work suite and watch one of the first games of the season among a dozen other fans. (Seriously, Memphis, what gives? Go see these games.) The game was uneventful and we lost, but there is nothing finer than the whistle of the wind and the crack of a bat and the oof of an error in a ballpark…

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friends I can't believe I'm talking about sports Memphis photos

Ballpark figures

It was freaking hot hot hot Sunday but once we surrendered ourselves to back sweat and frizzy hair and $7 Ghost River beers*, I dare say we had ourselves a grand old time.           *Okay, okay, okay. I was the only one surrendering myself to beer.

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