dreams memories why am I telling you this?


I wanted to write something about ghosts. Something about how when they show up in your dreams they steal rest from you all night long. Not the kinds of ghosts that wear sheets and chains or the kinds of spectral presences that populate spooky stories. I’m talking about the kind of ghosts that used to live large in your life but that you killed off, metaphorically speaking, so you could move on. About how when…

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Stories I don’t even have to make up

I’m going to start dream blogging again. Here’s a delicious nugget from a dream I had in 2008 that I had completely forgotten about: A very portly gentleman is telling me something about America and colonial political theory. He says, “Benjamin Franklin felt that everyone should be able to fly whatever kite they wanted, but that no one should be able to see your key.” He leans back and begins unbuckling his belt, and I…

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So it turns out I’m kind of psychic

The kiddo is asleep and I’m waiting for him to wake up any second now, so I’ve been browsing old blog posts, and I came across this one about a dream I’d forgotten I had. Since I am not delusional, I know you are not going to click that link, so I am going to quote the post in its entirety: I was in a swimming pool with [name redacted] and we were [activity redacted].…

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dreams pregnancy

Water baby

I was in a swimming pool with [name redacted] and we were [activity redacted]. (Excuse the redactivity but telling the truth would be highly awkward.) When we finished, he made some sort of overture that something was going on down there, and I’m sure I don’t have to explain the exact geography of down there. I reach down and sure enough I can feel a heavy, round presence there, and it’s getting bigger. It’s a…

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dreams pregnancy

The latch

I had a dream about the baby last night. He was big and white and bald, and sitting in someone’s lap next to me, drinking from a bottle. I instantly began worrying that he was drinking formula, and wondering why he wasn’t in my lap, breastfeeding. Where had I been? How had I allowed him to have formula when the plan was to breastfeed exclusively? And so on. So I took him into my lap…

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dreams pregnancy

The answer is nunya.

Last night I dreamed that I went to the hospital to deliver my baby, and when the doctor offered me an epidural, I refused it and told him I intended to have the baby without pain medication. He looked at me point blank and said, “Are you retarded?”

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Crazy dreams, vol. 298,211

It’s cliché to say my dreams have gotten super insane these past several weeks, but damn if it ain’t so. Last night’s mind movie was of me going to the restroom and noticing a man in a white coat and dark fedora trailing me. Turns out he was an undercover agent of sorts and he tracked me long enough to get a warrant for my arrest (?). When I passed back by some office door…

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Too much

The other night I had a dream where I had been watching the Titans(?) play from the comfort of a suite. Except I never actually saw them play — my dream self was way too short to access the viewing window; I just know I saw the team file in and out of the locker room — and it became quickly apparent when a dozen strangers filed into the box that this was some sort…

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