poetry writing

There is nothing original in this world

That’s something we know. And yet when we create we do our best to try for something new anyway, against the damned odds. I’m always slightly amused/horrified when I belch up something (that’s always how it feels when I write, really: Like a force of nature, something to be gotten out of me and once it’s out, I feel better and lighter) and then later find something in this world that already existed for some…

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For Mom

The New Stranger by Sharon Olds (from Blood, Tin, Straw) They would peer in the carriage and ask was your father Chinese, your lustrous, curly-lidded, slightly tilted eyes, your elegant forehead. You were a stranger to me— I thought I would know you, but I had to get to know you— I know your bowl brow, and serious eyes, but sometimes you were alien to me as a foetus, the large-brained head, the brain forming…

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