health Project 365 (2011)

Day 24/365: Peach Tea

We’re having a little too much fun with compromised immune systems here at Chez Theogeo. Did I say “fun”? Oh, lolz. I surely did not mean fun, unless you consider head-rattling coughing, ear-splitting headaches, bone-grinding joint pain, squishy fluid-filled ears, and snotty snot snot fun. This has been an interesting bout of sickness for me; I can usually be relied upon to have one whizbang of a sinus infection every winter/spring, which will start in…

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project 365 (2009)

Day 153: Horizontal

Sick day. Didn’t feel like plugging in the DVD player so I just watched fuzzy Seinfeld on Fox13. Think my issues are sinus and/or inner-ear related. Doctor visit imminent. Sentence fragments. [Project 365]

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ouchie-wa-wa project 365 (2009)

Day 35: Waiting Room

I’m stubborn, but not stubborn enough to continue ignoring this mucus mutiny that is happening inside me. Usually I can let a sinus infection pass without interfering, but this one doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Sunday I thought I was on the mend but then Monday I sat here and felt my throat grow swollen and sore, and then this morning I woke up and could barely turn my head because my lymph nodes…

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the family vacation why am I telling you this?

The day will come, the sun will rise, and we’ll be fine

The last bit of my time in the mountains was considerably better than the first bit. Wednesday, my dad and grandmother and I headed eastward in my car (which was a trooper) to scale the mountain and turn around in Cherokee, N.C. The weather was heavy and wet and temperamental, but we braved it anyway. The dampness saturated the colors, but when the fog set in, it was hard to see anything through a lens…

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