comedy friends memories videos

We’ll never work in this town again

Tonight I was reunited with Sarah Saint after a several-month hiatus and she made me download booty rap and then pretend to dance to it. We’ll never work in this town again. from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo. This is after we listened to the albums that defined our youth — Sixteen Stone, Vitalogy, Core, Undertow — and tried to relive the emotions we felt while lying on our beds with black lights illuminated and teenage…

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music my moods are stable so STFU videos

Because whatever at all

I’d like to nominate this for official anthem of neurotic people everywhere: Up with caffeine and down with a shot. Constantly worried about what I’ve got. Distracting my work but I can’t make a stop and my confidence on and my confidence off. And I sink to the bottom and rise to the top and I think to myself that I do this a lot. World outside just goes it goes it goes it goes…

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music videos

‘Yeah I’ll miss the boredom and the freedom and the time spent alone.’

I have a real hard-on for this band lately: Also, I can’t stop using the phrase “I have a real hard-on.” This is problematic for obvious reasons. It’ll pass…

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