custom designs

Gerbils in lust

Here’s a fun subscription card I did for 12th and Broad‘s inaugural magazine a few weeks ago.

photography seasons

Busy little bees

One of my favorite things about spring is harassing all the little winged creatures while they try to do their sexy plant shimmying.

photography Southern comfort stationery

As a tack

If someone from the South ever tells you you’re pretty sharp, you better believe they like you. New in the shop!


The punniest of the cuts

My friend Amber texted me the other day while at a bourbon and brisket festival (CAN THERE BE ANYTHING MORE INCREDIBLE?! my id shouted at me) and once my brain got to thinking about brisket, this card design was born. Barbecue enthusiasts or fans of impulsive puns, please click here to find out more!

Southern comfort stationery


If there’s one thing I love, it’s cursing. I know, I’m an eternal child. Something about a well-wielded curse word just pings a deep joy in me. And when you find something in life so very delicious, so very enjoyable, there is no shame in dubbing it “good shit.” That’s what this card is all […]

photography stationery

Beats pickin’ cotton and waiting to be forgotten

When I used to make the trek from Memphis to my parents’ house fairly often, I’d always pass by these long stretches of field along Highway 64, many of them cotton fields. One October afternoon, the sky was so open and bright and the cotton was blooming. I stopped at one of the fields and […]


A little something from me every month?

Hi, gang! After seeing the 800th advertisement for some kind of monthly subscription box of goodies, I hatched a thought. (Yes, it hurt a little.) Would people find value — and delight, more importantly — in a monthly (or every-other-monthly, or on their birthday, or whatever) delivery of cute and funny stuff from Eyedot Creative? […]


Popular hip-hop pun prints are now cards!

I’m really excited to get these little beauts into the shop. They’re 3×3 glossy cards sporting those silly hip-hop pun prints that still crack me up even though I’ve seen them a billion times. You can get a set of eight and choose your combination of which designs you’d like. Do not be surprised if […]


Turn that glower … into a flower? It’s too early for cute titles.

Got a fun new glossy greeting card up in the shop! This is a photograph of one of the many horses my family has had on its farm over the years. I used to like to go out there and feed them weeds or leaves or animal crackers and try to take pictures of them […]