gardening Project 365 (2011)

Day 109: What Else Is Blooming

Dwarf coreopsis, the flower with the name that sounds a lot like something that would be written on a little person’s autopsy report. Also opening up:     Dianthus, rose, rose. [Project 365]

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gardening Project 365 (2011) yardlust

Day 101/365: What’s Blooming

My grandmother potted this for me last year and called it a bleeding heart. But it looks just like a columbine bloom, only it’s clumpy and grows much taller than my purple columbines. And the internet returns something much different when I search for “bleeding heart.” So I’m going to call it a columbine, at the risk of inciting grandmotherly rage. What else is out there?   Snapdragons, I forget what it’s called.   Creeping…

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gardening Memphis Project 365 (2011)

Day 92/365: So Many Tulips

The Dixon has 100,000 bulbs blooming right now — mostly tulips but some daffodils and other stuff too. It’s pretty incredible. Seeing all the variations is stunning. Get out there and see them while they last. I reckon they’ve got a couple of weeks left in them.               [Project 365]

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gardening Project 365 (2011)

Day 77/365: First Tulip of 2011 (Friday Flower No. 1)

friends gardening Project 365 (2011) yardlust

Day 49/365: Look What Was Under Those Leaves

gardening yardlust

Spring fever

Here is a little gardening tip from me to you: If a man calls your cannas “daylilies,” do not take him up on his offer to “cut back your hydraniums.” I spent some time outside today in the warmth, removing old dead plant stalks from their resting places, making room for the new growth that will be popping out of the ground in just a few short weeks. I’m stupid excited to see the explosion…

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gardening Project 365 (2011)

Day 6/365: Already?

Took the trash out this morning and noticed this little guy pushing his way up. He’s got several pals doing the same thing. I’m surprised to see them already. Surprised but excited. [Project 365]

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