health I refuse to get old politics

Operation: Take Out the Trash is underway

I scheduled surgery for Election Day partly to be funny (“wake me up when it’s over, haw haw”) but mostly because it was the earliest they could see me to remove the 7-centimeter endometrioma that had invaded my one remaining ovary.

The surgery went well (as far as I know) and the doctor was able to preserve the ovary, which is very good news. He reported back to Richard (while I was still conked out) that I have “extensive” endometriosis, but I am curious (and will find out on Monday at my post-op checkup) if that means active endo or endo damage/scar tissue or both. I have lots of questions to ask, of course.

I’ve been doddering around the house since Tuesday, working through the pain and soreness by napping and lounging and watching lots of television. Like the last time I had laparoscopic surgery for an endometrioma, it has felt a bit like I got hit by a truck. I have multiple incisions this time, which I think hurts more. Running in the background of all this has been the election. The race was too close to call on Tuesday night so for three days I’ve been glued to my phone, refreshing Twitter, trying to extract some news, any news, to allay my fear that the orange man might not go away.

This morning they finally called it — the orange man is behind and can’t catch up. It took days of ballot counting in battleground states but it’s undeniable now (even if he and his cultists are denying it). I am so relieved. I am so proud (a woman vice president!!!). I am so tired. There is so much more work to be done but the first step is the removal of the bad thing itself.

Tuesday mercifully delivered a twofer on that front. This year has been brutal but not without bright spots.