the internet is fun the internet is NOT fun

Dear Google, I don’t give a crap about your April Fools pranks but I do actually give a crap about useful services

Listen. I don’t hate fun. Really, I don’t. I have even been known to HAVE fun every now and again. I encourage it. Within reason, of course! But this is getting ri-frickin-diculous. That link that you probably hovered on but did not click is a roundup of all the April Fools pranks Google staged in 2013 alone. I realize that Google is a global ginormamegacorporation that employs tens of thousands of people, so it’s possible…

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Fran Moments poetry the family

Fran Moment of the Day: The Tale of the Lost Ring

My mother has been grieving for weeks over a ring that my dad gave her on April 1 four years ago that she lost recently. She left me the saddest voice mail earlier today, first recapping all the local news (my sister has pneumonia, my dad’s heart doctor appointment here in town is for the 9th, etc.) and then wrapping up the message by saying how she was kinda down today because of the missing…

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