friends newspaper stuff

Shane McDermott, ###

Yesterday, my former employer laid off one of my close friends and one of the most talented people I have ever met. I remember when he was hired. It was a few months after I had started and the art director sent out an email to everyone telling us we’d hired a new artist named Shane McDermott, so be on the lookout for some dude walking around, wearing a beret. Get it? He was an…

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news people are dumb webshits work

This person apparently does not understand what ‘news’ is

Screencapped from the comments of this story. You didn’t click, did you? What if I said it was a story about a BDSM-fetish B&B in Collierville? Clickadoodledoooo! Anyway, I’m sure Hillybob looks forward to the days when news outlets will be capable of reporting on every fucking mundane thing in the world AS IT IS HAPPENING.

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news newspaper stuff project 365 (2009) work

Day 15: The Press

Busy busy busy night at work. Lots of news, lots of news meetings and meetings about news. We’re trying to plan for our inauguration coverage and get the daily paper out and all the while, the entire newspaper industry is collapsing around us. It’s, if I may coin a rather vulgar phrase, a clusterfuck of epic clusterfuckitude. We’ve got Hearst trying to sell the Seattle P-I (where my former art director works) and now the…

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holidays work


It took me a few hours, but I’ve finally completed my papercraft Newsbot. I’m calling him Bojanklesbot because he’s held together rather jankily with packing tape (like everything else in my apartment) and he looks like the kind of robot who might be voted off the island kinda early, if you know what I mean. Anyway, it’s a really cool project spearheaded by my pal Shane, illustrator extraordinaire for The CA. The advent calendar from…

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news newspaper stuff videos work

Surreal, day two

My friend Coco provides some narration for the scene out in front of our office at roughly 3 p.m. Thursday (day two of Mission: Everyone Suddenly Wants Newspapers): ‘Milk it while we got it’ from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo. Last night the TV news (I forget which station) broadcast live out front at 10, and the story was about how the paper was the hottest-selling item in town. So, so weird.

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