the internet is NOT fun

It helps me not hate the internet

ah, the obscure secrets of the Anicents I like to imagine that somewhere out there in an underground art bunker in Kansas, a plucky collective of socially conscious guerilla artists is concocting outlandishly offensive and nonsensical and misspelled/English bastardizing pay-per-click ads and submitting them to popular websites to call attention to the ridiculous notions being pushed by the weight-loss/body shame industry. I like to imagine that they are inciting a quiet revolution during which the shame we feel when we catch sight of blinking, targeted LOSE 80 POUNDS IN THREE MINUTES WITH THIS SATANIC RITUAL ads will crumble into utter chaos and result in an uprising of stocky but hardy folk, who insist that beauty does not mean your head is too big for your body or looking like a large gust of wind could blow your brittle bones out to sea. I like to imagine.

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