comedy it's true — I'm crazy the internet is fun

Yet another outlet for the awful thoughts my brain produces

Lately I’ve been having some pretty epic conversations with my friend T-bagz (I hesitate to use his real name because he is scared of the internet) via, because, damn, that place has a card for every flatulent sentiment in existence.

Well, almost. Here are a few that would be useful but that I’ve not found on the site, so feel free to click and download and send to your pals if the occasion arises.

Hurry up before I get sued.




(^^that one’s for Dave)



7 thoughts on “Yet another outlet for the awful thoughts my brain produces”

  1. I like the Twitter one. One of the reasons I unlocked my tweets was to stop having to deal with the politics of following. Just can’t deal with that.

  2. Oh, man, that reminds me of fake Sidelines ads in the Halloween issue. About kittens that die when you masturbate, or something like that.

  3. L, the politics of following gives me agita. It’s as bad as LJ politics.

    Becky, thanks for the link!

    PT, *kneels back and accidentally knocks foreheads with you*

    ng, ahhaahahhaaa, one of our finer moments. That and the Nick Fowler/Angela Lansbury masks.

    nom, excellent link! I really think I might ought to get an etsy shop going and make some of my own snarky cards. I have a backlog of ideas that just WON’T STOP COMING TO ME!!!

  4. Maybe I never said it, but I fucking love these. Someday when you have a bad day, remember that according to me, you’re very hilarious.

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