
What boredom begat

Redesigns aren’t meant to be conceived of and executed in less than two hours, but, well, this blog is fairly low-maintenance, so, there ya go.

sayonara, t&g 2007

Sayonara, T&G 2007. You served me well.

I’m sure I’ll be making minor tweaks to the redesign (which isn’t so much a redesign as it is a change in color palette and banner) in the coming days. I have no idea how this looks in Internet Explorer, nor do I care.

11 thoughts on “What boredom begat”

  1. Thanks! If it’s not obvious by now, I am totally in love with those Japanese flower Photoshop brushes.

    RJA, it’s a damned good thing I’m single, then, because I might have conceived a dozen kids over my incredibly boring weekend.

  2. I need to edit that last comment to say “my incredibly boring Monday.” Sunday was actually quite fun. Until Sarah left. And then it got boring.

  3. I also want to add, though, that after a weekend of watching “Jon and Kate Plus Eight,” my uterus has never been more inhospitable.

  4. I like the flowers, too. I’m not sure how I feel about the sans font, though. Your page, your preference. Besides, you know fonts better than anyone I’ve met … including several professors who claimed to be typography wonks.

    Damn, now I wanna make mine all purty.

  5. sans fonts are the only way to go. i love the cut out flowers on the purple. whole banner is loverly.

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