comedy memories

The importance of proper letter spacing

Back in eighth grade, I had a literature teacher who kept me after class one day to ask me a question about something I’d written in my poetry journal. Back in the day, my schtick was to make drawings in the margins of my journals, illustrating whatever it was that I had written about. On this particular day, I had illustrated myself thumping a bitten-off fingernail. Beside the sketch of my fingers moving swiftly to…

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comedy movies

‘A flatulent rip in the space/time continuum’

Oh, how I love Pajiba. Regarding Superhero Movie and the Movie movies in general: So, I’m asking nicely: Stop it. Just fucking stop it. Don’t make anymore of these goddamn movies. None. The only thing left, anyway, is a motherfucking spoof of spoof movies, which would be like watching yourself look at yourself in a mirror, which would probably cause a flatulent rip in the space/time continuum, and we’d all be sucked into a wet…

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comedy the family

Selected quotes from Holidizzle 2007

My 13-year-old cousin Tyler: Aunt Fran could barely talk last night! She was slurring her words together and dancing around the Christmas tree! Mom: I was not! I was fully coherent. [pause] I was trashed. :::::::::::: Aunt Cindy: Keri bought this birdhouse that, y’all, I swear, the front door to it looks exactly like a vagina. Dad: So you know every time that bird comes home he feels like a pussy. :::::::::::: Mom: I have…

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comedy Fran Moments

Fran Moments

My mom called me yesterday afternoon when she and my dad arrived in Gatlinburg — they’re up there for a few days to hear a timeshare pitch so they can stay at a nice chalet for free — to tell me that from their balcony they can see the little chairs that go over the road. She was so excited. I was cracking up. See, there’s a hilarious family tale that explains all this (well,…

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