holidays the family


It’s a rainy morning here in scenic Saltillo, Tenn. Bill Engvall’s funny-video show is on the TV and dad’s in the recliner snoring. Mom’s napping in bed. Yesterday we gave my mom a laptop for Mother’s Day, which she was so excited and surprised about. She and Dad have had the same old Dell desktop since about 2001. They’ve done no operating system or RAM upgrades in the intervening years, so you can sort of…

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holidays project 365 (2009) the family

Day 361: Noel

The family had its Christmas Day giftapalooza Sunday when I could be there. I got digital photo frames for my parents, grandmother, and sister, and everyone seemed to like them (especially when I loaded up jump drives with hundreds of photos so they didn’t have to do the heavy lifting, although some people didn’t hesitate to critique the photos I had chosen for display; note to self — Grandmaw does not appreciate my “art” shots).…

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holidays project 365 (2009) work

Day 359: So Very Very Festive

holidays memories the family

A Birthmas Story

I wasn’t supposed to be born on Christmas. I was due Dec. 12, but my mom didn’t go into labor until Christmas Eve. And she kept laboring for 23 hours, walking and walking and walking around the hospital floors to try to make the labor go faster. She made 49 trips, she said, many of them with my grandmother by her side. Mom says she remembers the click of Grandmaw’s cowgirl boots on the sterile…

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holidays project 365 (2009) the family

Day 333: Thanks

Unconventional Thanksgiving this year. Sunday instead of Thursday, because of wonky work schedules. (Mine and my dad’s, specifically.) I don’t suppose anyone in my family has ever had a job where he/she never had to work holidays or weekends. It has always made for interesting observances. This year was no different. Except I made the dressing and it was dry and terrible. [Project 365]

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holidays musings project 365 (2009)

Day 330: So Thankful

What a year this has been. Made great personal strides in many ways and suffered weird (mostly in-my-head) setbacks in others. Took on a ton of responsibility at work and in my home life and watched my face age in the process. Stopped counting but not plucking grey hairs. Was reminded time and time again that I am so fortunate to have the family and the foundation I have. Fought for things I wanted. Got…

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holidays I'm posting about my damn cats again videos

Blast from the past: A Thanksgiving Story

Perhaps had I had more time and motivation and small bits of turkey and construction paper, I might have made a sequel. But it’s been quite hectic around here, so let’s just revisit last year’s Thanksgiving Story. A Thanksgiving Story from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

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bloggers holidays Memphis

Day 287: Ryburn-o-Lantern

Topical and hyper-local. You’re welcome, internet. I really can’t take credit for the idea. Blame this guy. Previous years: 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004. [Project 365]

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holidays project 365 (2009) the family

Day 172: Happy Fathers Day

My brother and sister both are making silly faces in this shot, but I like it anyway. My dad’s reading from a card my mother bought and stored and forgot about more than a decade ago and just now found in her closet (my packrattery comes honest). He got a good chuckle out of that ancient card, and was pretty excited about the fancy new grill we all chipped in on. Of course, as soon…

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