I hate/love nature photography

Part of the reason I’d like to have a house…

… has a lot to do with the fact that most houses come with attached plots of land on which you can pretend to be a conductor coaxing the most entrancing floral notes out of the earth:   My mom grows flowers so gorgeous that I don’t even need Photoshop. Truly. If I got even a fraction of her and my grandmother’s green thumbs, I will cultivate a jungle before all is said and done.

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I hate/love nature project 365 (2009)

Day 167: Striped With Radiation

If you’ve been with me for more than a year, you might recognize that title from a previous post or two. So if I get another sunburn, I am going to have to come up with another way to talk about it. Yawn! This particular sunburn’s not so bad, all things considered. Sure, my ears have peeled and my part’s flaking like your popular prom date, but I haven’t had to coax myself into a…

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I hate/love nature project 365 (2009)

Day 156: Nest

Lately I’ve been paying some attention to my long-neglected balcony. I really don’t spend enough time out there, and it’s probably because it’s filthy most of the time. (And also because a huge spider lives in one of the brick columns and I’m convinced he’s going to pounce on my face and suck my brain out through my eye sockets if I hang out there too much.) I love all my smoker friends, but they…

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I hate/love nature project 365 (2009)

Day 152: Pollenation Situation

I hate/love nature project 365 (2009)

Day 102: Busy Little Bee

Notice that this little dude doesn’t have a white dot on his forehead, meaning he could have hauled off and stung the everloving bejesus outta me at any time. He got pretty close, too, once he got fed up with my being up in his grill, snapping away. He started freaking out and flying in this ever-embiggening circles, and I backed away and headed for the house in the hopes that he wouldn’t follow me.…

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I hate/love nature project 365 (2009)

Day 87: Dogwood

The little green explosions, they’re happening. The other day I looked up and realized that the giant tree behind my apartment suddenly had little lime-colored buds on it. They hadn’t been there the night before. I got a little giddy, I confess. I am in love with spring in a way that I will never be in love with another human. [Project 365]

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I hate/love nature project 365 (2009) the family

Day 61: Ladybug

Mom says the annual ladybug infestation has begun in earnest. She’s been finding hundreds of them in the basement on the windowsills, in clumps, dead or dying or just plain giving up. She said at first she’d salvage the living ones and put them on her plants to eat the aphids. But they’d defect and end up on the sills again. Eventually they’d end up in the belly of her vacuum cleaner. I got really…

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friends I hate/love nature Memphis


This morning I find myself awake freakishly early (7 for me is like 3 a.m. to most normal people especially when I’ve been out late the night before; it’s just insane), the limits of my itch tolerance being pushed by the 49 mosquito bites I procured over the weekend. I am not exaggerating; I just counted. Sloppily; concentrating on each bite long enough was painful because bites start to itch once they remember that they…

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