I hate/love nature project 365 (2009)

Day 102: Busy Little Bee

Day 102: Busy Little Bee

Notice that this little dude doesn’t have a white dot on his forehead, meaning he could have hauled off and stung the everloving bejesus outta me at any time. He got pretty close, too, once he got fed up with my being up in his grill, snapping away. He started freaking out and flying in this ever-embiggening circles, and I backed away and headed for the house in the hopes that he wouldn’t follow me. He didn’t. Wuss.

[Project 365]

1 thought on “Day 102: Busy Little Bee”

  1. I took nearly this exact same photo last week. I say “nearly” because I couldn’t get close enough to get a clear shot of the bee. And because I suck at taking pictures.

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