Memphis Zombie Massacre they're coming

They’ll be looking for you

The undead are a persistent bunch, you know. I spent last week leaving increasingly desperate messages on the voicemail of the guy who approves or denies events booked for Beale Street (it’s a private street, you know, not public, so you can’t just do what you want there without filling out paperwork), thinking he was avoiding me after last year’s round of last-minute awkward runaround phone tag that nearly meant we didn’t get a permit.…

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Memphis Zombie Massacre movies

In which Phil makes his big-screen debut

Last night, Phil, Jamie and I sashayed into Studio on the Square (they didn’t even take our tickets, there was so much schmoozing going on the for the film fest) and took our seats. I’d been told by a counter worker that the documentary was playing after the feature, which made no sense to me, but it turned out not to be the case. Daniel Lee, the guy who made the documentary, stood and said…

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Memphis Zombie Massacre movies zombies

Eight minutes of zombie documentarianism that will change your life!

Monday night at 9:40, the Daniel Lee short documentary (or “doc” as they say on the streets) will screen as part of the Indie Memphis Film Festival at Studio on the Square. I believe it’s playing just before I Was a Zombie for the FBI, a flick from the early ’80s that boasts a 5.3 IMDb rating! You may have seen this before, but just imagine how awesome it’s going to be on the big…

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Memphis Memphis Zombie Massacre project 365

Day 145 — Memphis Zombie Massacre

[for May 25] Kids, I’m pooped. The zombie walk went absolutely fabulously. There were waaaay more people who turned out than we ever expected. And they all looked FANTASTIC. I absolutely cannot express how happy I am with the way this turned out. It is a completely amazing feeling to be a part of something that so many people get into so intensely. It is hard to describe what it feels like to help create…

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Memphis Zombie Massacre project 365 they're coming

Day 143 — Blues and Brains

Memphis Zombie Massacre they're coming

They’re coming … like, really soon

“The artists were attempting to make art more than just something to look at, they wanted it to be something to be involved in, something too big to ignore.”— Le Tigre* You know you’ve always wanted to lurch around downtown in undead drag and make the tourists scratch their heads. Don’t miss your chance; it’s coming quickly. An extra bonus: We’ll be crawling through the May art trolley tour, so not only will Beale Street…

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