blogging Memphis shameless self-promotion the internet is fun

Shameless self-promotion: This time with more hot wet voting action*!

Okay. I am kind of squeamish about doing this, but the way I see it, the best-of-Memphis competitions have for too long been dominated by the same blogger, and it’s time to knock the tube-top obsessed off the leaderboard. Fire sale information and salacious and sometimes clandestinely taken pictures of tanned and tipsy women are great and all, I guess**, but there are other blogs out there that deserve some love too. And no, I’m…

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friends Memphis photography


Up early, the Brooks, rock ‘n’ roll photography, Italian boot envy, inappropriate giggling, sunshine, stromboli, messy hair, naps, rushing to be late. Goodness.

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Memphis people are strange

Crazy town

Sometimes you happen to be in the right/wrong place at the right/wrong time, and you see weird stuff go down. Tonight after work, I drove out to the gym. As I pulled in the parking lot, I saw a guy sort of standing around a truck. Didn’t think much of it. People stand around sometimes. But as I was gathering up my bags and getting ready to get out of the car, I noticed a…

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friends Memphis musings photos weather

It snowed again

  I woke up at 6 a.m. to get ready to take Tamara to the airport, and checked Twitter (a regrettable but sometimes useful ritual), only to see @mdinstuhl telling everyone to look outside. I hadn’t been keeping up with the news and usually if there is any chance of solid precipitation coming, its impendingness is a major, major deal and everyone spends the entire night prior making milk-and-bread jokes. But nothing, not a peep.…

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