Memphis Midtown project 365 (2009)

Day 218: This Is What Happens When You Try to Buy a House In Midtown

Fun fact: Midtown Memphis is the only area in West Tennessee in which you cannot pull housing comps based on Zip code alone. What that means, essentially, is that finding a house in Midtown Memphis and settling on a fair price for it is a huge pain in the ass. I am learning more about real estate than I ever cared to know. I don’t want to write a whole lot about it because so…

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Memphis Midtown project 365 (2009)

Day 147: Nothing to See Here

Supposedly there was a redneck fight at Minglewood. I rubbernecked on my way home and didn’t see anything but lots of spinning blue and red lights. I sure love to imagine how it went down. [Project 365]

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friends Memphis Midtown project 365 (2009)

Day 73: Party Casualty

We didn’t intend to trash Ashley/Will/Semelea/Justin’s house when we went over there for food and fellowship, but we are a whirling dervish of crazy and we leave a path of destruction everywhere we go. Also, we will spend a substantial amount of time making out with your sweet little dog and possibly breaking his heart. You’ve been warned. [Project 365]

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Memphis Midtown project 365 (2009) weather

Day 65: Madison

I got out of the office tonight for dinner at just the right time. The sun was setting and the sky was heavy with blue. People were out and about, letting the warm air hit their skin. I love this time of year right at the birth of spring, and I don’t know if I’ll ever get tired of saying it. [Project 365]

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Midtown Phil project 365 (2009)

Day 31: Philouette

Today Phil and I shoveled Mexican food into our mouths and then capped it off with a trip to Hi-Octane Vintage on Young, where I kind of fell a little in love with a muumuu (can I just point out that my iTunes queued “Fat Bottomed Girls” as I typed the word “muumuu”?) and several bits of glassware. Alas, despite there being plenty of room in my lifestyle to accommodate a muumuu, I did not…

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