memories music musings yardlust

‘She’s got a system made of metal and magnet bits inside a brain’

I had a moment with a robin today. Might be the same one who always pops up when I’m outside in the yard. Saraclark says he’s waiting for me to move branches and leaves and uncover worms for him to eat. So I guess I’m being used. But it’s still pretty interesting to be minding your own business and then turn around to see a bird two feet from you, watching your every move. I…

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friends musings

A week off

I had an entire week off work. It’s over now. I had an enormous list of things I wanted to get done during my time off. I accomplished a singular thing on that list: My taxes. Other than that? Nothing. No haircut, no oil change, no redesigned websites, no finished portfolio, no balanced budget, no minor home repairs, no blogging or book reviews written. Guess I’ll just look forward to being extra busy these coming…

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friends Memphis musings photos weather

It snowed again

  I woke up at 6 a.m. to get ready to take Tamara to the airport, and checked Twitter (a regrettable but sometimes useful ritual), only to see @mdinstuhl telling everyone to look outside. I hadn’t been keeping up with the news and usually if there is any chance of solid precipitation coming, its impendingness is a major, major deal and everyone spends the entire night prior making milk-and-bread jokes. But nothing, not a peep.…

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Twenty ten

If 2009 was a book, I might have shut it with a scowl on my face. Too long, I’d have thought. With really unsympathetic characters. Mostly it’s the protagonist I would have hated. She’s moody and fickle and needy yet aloof and often makes really bad decisions. She has forgotten how to love and be loved. She lets men treat her like garbage. She’s so ambitious that she’s never really grateful for anything when she…

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holidays musings project 365 (2009)

Day 330: So Thankful

What a year this has been. Made great personal strides in many ways and suffered weird (mostly in-my-head) setbacks in others. Took on a ton of responsibility at work and in my home life and watched my face age in the process. Stopped counting but not plucking grey hairs. Was reminded time and time again that I am so fortunate to have the family and the foundation I have. Fought for things I wanted. Got…

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musings work


Today I: Woke up to a phone call from my dad at 10 a.m. Jumped in the shower and got out of the apartment and on the road by 10:40. Answered the text of a co-worker calling in sick. Met the family in Somerville, who had driven from Hardin County to hand off a chunk of change I just found out I needed desperately in order to close on the house. Drove back to Memphis.…

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This space reserved

There’s a lot that needs saying and a lot I don’t want to forget about October — which I’m going to jokingly refer to as Woetober because of all the shit I’ve been wading through lately — but it ain’t in me. The time, the energy. Nothing.

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all paragraphs in this post start with I musings why am I telling you this?

This is a picture of Now

I am on the balcony, laptop pulsing heat onto my uncovered legs, nose stuffy from a summer stress cold, red wine (Malbec) in a Graceland mug on the window ledge behind me, three citronella candles and a mosquito coil flickering around me, yet I see the mosquitoes in silhouette against my screen, darting here and there and up and down and, occasionally, settling on a patch of skin still enough to penetrate and make me…

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all paragraphs in this post start with I music musings videos

‘No feelings except this is right’

I am full of lust lately, the kind that propels you toward ways of living that most people consider silly and decadent and hedonistic and unsustainable. Aaaand that’s because they are. But it doesn’t matter; a person who can’t get behind hedonism is a person you shouldn’t care to know. I want things. Things that have no real-life counterpart. Things that can only ever exist in digital daydreaming. That’s okay. I want to imagine the…

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all paragraphs in this post start with I musings

About that last post

I need to say these things: I bruise easily. Perhaps too easily. I occupy no moral high ground. I need to give people room to fuck up because God knows I have made plenty of room in my life for me to do so. I … I’m trying.

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