news newspaper stuff project 365 (2009) work

Day 15: The Press

Busy busy busy night at work. Lots of news, lots of news meetings and meetings about news. We’re trying to plan for our inauguration coverage and get the daily paper out and all the while, the entire newspaper industry is collapsing around us. It’s, if I may coin a rather vulgar phrase, a clusterfuck of epic clusterfuckitude. We’ve got Hearst trying to sell the Seattle P-I (where my former art director works) and now the…

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news newspaper stuff videos work

Surreal, day two

My friend Coco provides some narration for the scene out in front of our office at roughly 3 p.m. Thursday (day two of Mission: Everyone Suddenly Wants Newspapers): ‘Milk it while we got it’ from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo. Last night the TV news (I forget which station) broadcast live out front at 10, and the story was about how the paper was the hottest-selling item in town. So, so weird.

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news newspaper stuff politics work


They are directing traffic in the parking lot of my office so that people can drive up and buy editions of today’s paper. Demand was so high that they printed up 40,000 additional copies and they’ll be offering up other promotional items in the days to come. I’ve not been in the newspaper business very long, so I’ve only lived through an era in which print is said to be dying a slow death. I’ve…

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news politics racism


Did y’all see that story that caused Matt Drudge’s latest scandalgasm? The one where the white campaign worker in Pittsburgh claimed she was attacked by a black man who became enraged when he saw a McCain sticker on her car, and pounced on her, beat the crap out of her, then carved a B into her cheek? Yeah. That story, didja see it? Well, guess what. She made it up! HT: Sully, who also calls…

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news why am I telling you this?

The end of the world

I got in to work today and saw this fortune peeking out from under my mouse pad, and for a brief, delusional moment, thought that it was a sign from The Cosmos, a comforting hug from The Universe, an obliging reacharound from Fate, and I got to feeling kind of — dare I say — upbeat. I wondered where it had come from, who had left it for me, and what he/she meant by it.…

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friends news people are strange

In which Nick Fowler’s celebrity ascension becomes unstoppable

Remember this story? Well, the documentary is finally available. Here’s a clip (damn thing busted my frames!): Online Videos by “I immediately knew that this was just going to explode.” — Nick Fowler, famous journalist, former Sidelines editor, former MTSU Homecoming King candidate Download it from Veoh or see the whole thing here. It’s 45 minutes long, but it’s fascinating. It’s hilarious in parts (“the wilds of rural Tennessee!”) and brilliant in others, and…

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Bitchy McComplainsalot news

News: You’re doing it wrong

I’ve been kind of following the Russia/Georgia thing on Twitter this afternoon, and when I went to Google News to get the latest news updates, I clicked through to the AP’s story about the U.S. calling for a ceasefire in South Ossetia. And what do I see? A locator map showing me where Washington, D.C., is. Thanks, AP. Are these damn maps generated automatically based on datelines? Or did a human make this happen? My…

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news NPR

Bad news for public-radio fans

NPR is canceling the Bryant Park Project, the program that published the audio slideshow about my Project 365 last year. This sucks; the BPP is one of the rare mainstream public radio programs that really embraces the web and all it has to offer. Memphis’ own Radio Sweethearts has a few suggestions for anyone wanting to pass along their disappointment to NPR. Best wishes to everyone involved, but especially Laura Conaway, who hails from Mississippi…

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How would you feel if you saw a pattern on the inside of a log that resembled your face?

Just ask this guy. Bonus: This came from a tree in a graveyard. I dunno, I think I’d be a little freaked out, but this old timer has probably seen a lot of crazy shit in his day.

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