friends Project 365 (2011)

Day 97/365: Boo-boo

Luke and Lilly hung out with me Friday morning, and I very nearly let them go home unscathed. And yet! We were outside picking flowers and Lilly took a tumble and skinned her knees a little bit. I had an ancient Kermit bandage — seriously, that thing had been kicking around my first aid kit for at least 10 or 15 years — that seemed to do the trick long enough for her to get…

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gardening Memphis Project 365 (2011)

Day 92/365: So Many Tulips

The Dixon has 100,000 bulbs blooming right now — mostly tulips but some daffodils and other stuff too. It’s pretty incredible. Seeing all the variations is stunning. Get out there and see them while they last. I reckon they’ve got a couple of weeks left in them.               [Project 365]

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