art travel

Full-on yellow tape robot graffiti — what does it mean?

  Twice now I’ve noticed a yellow tape robot placed somewhere conspicuous in an urban core: Once in Chicago near Millenium Park (left) and once in Portland near Powell’s (right). The Chicago robot, which probably measured a foot or so in length, was spotted around New Year’s Day, 2010, while the Portland robot — much smaller at maybe three inches tall — was spotted just Sunday. I’ve been Googling and Flickring like mad to try…

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Hello, Minneapolis!

Well, it took a fucking Herculean effort to get me here, but I am finally in the Midwest, drunk on Chili’s house cabernet and waiting for my second delayed flight of the day to finally actually board. I spent an hour on the tarmac in Memphis during a grumpy little summer storm, and it made me miss my connection to Portland. Fantasmically, they added a flight to Portland (my connection was originally the last one…

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my special stupidity travel


I never understood how people missed flights. Connecting flights, sure, if your initial flight rolls in late and you’ve got to haul ass to get to the gate across the airport in some unreasonable sliver of time. But that first flight? I just always figured you had to be a real slack-ass to not be able to get to the airport two hours early like me, Little Miss Perfectpants. Until this morning, when my eyes…

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friends travel

‘Noog life

  There was a point within the first ten minutes of Nick’s and my hike up Lookout Mountain Monday morning where I honest to shit thought I was going to die. This is mostly because I am dismally out of shape and unaccustomed to coaxing my body to do much more than stand, sit, and — if I’m lucky — writhe a little every day. Suddenly I was using obscure leg muscles to propel myself…

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Friday flower No. 18

Coneflowers! Taken in the garden at the Chattanooga Choo-Choo. I’m going to write about my fabulous mini-vacation in the ‘Noog soon enough. I am having trouble finding enough hours in the day lately to do much writing at all. This, I assure you, is a good problem for me.

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friends music musings travel

Happy trails

On my way through Lakeland a few weeks ago, I got behind the rental car I rode to Chicago in back in very late December. It really threw me to just randomly be riding in traffic behind the very same car that had been my road home for a few days. I mean, how many rental cars are on the road in Memphis at any given second? But I know that was the right car.…

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friends project 365 (2009) travel

Day 365: Happy Effing New Year

The plan is to stop making NYE plans. Every time I have tried to orchestrate something beyond “go to work and then get misty-eyed in the car later when the clock turns midnight and you’re on your way home to an empty apartment/house,” it has failed with such spectacularity that I’m sure some day I will be able to laugh about my foolishness over this manufactured night of revelry. Right? 2009, the plan: Drive up…

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project 365 (2009) travel

Day 364: Intermission

Got a late start to Chicago Wednesday night Thursday morning. Late as in 4 a.m. Meaning this photo is only technically my Day 364 because I hadn’t yet been to sleep. [Project 365]

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