
Day 277 — Waikiki Beach

[for Thursday, Oct. 4] Our first full day in Hawaii was spent mostly gawking at how beautiful the island is. Our gracious host Mel drove us up the east coast to take a gander at all the smaller beaches, as well as the famous blowhole and some other landmarks. The sky was impossibly blue, the weather impossibly perfect, the ocean impossibly beautiful. The narrow highway wound in and around hills and valleys, but kept the…

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project 365 vacation

Day 276 — Amber

[for Wednesday, Oct. 3] I’m home now. Have been for twenty-four hours and some change. And still quite exhausted. I’ve got so much to recap, but the energy, it’s just not there yet. As if to prove to the universe that I’m still totally out of sorts, I went to work today. And found out I had the day off. Then I slipped out, hopefully barely noticed. I’ve been slogging through pictures since last night…

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HONOLULU, 7:45 P.M. — I’m sitting at an internet kiosk in the Honolulu Airport. Access is 20 cents a minute and yet they still block MySpace. Maybe they should tell people that before they are prompted to swipe their cards. So, this means the vacation is very nearly over. Which, for reasons I can’t even begin to explain, really, really sucks. Amber’s gone, her sister’s in China with our Hawaii host Mel, and there is…

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photos vacation

At the Apple store

We’re at some swanky three-story outdoor mall in Honolulu. My camera bag feels like it weighs two tons, I’m sunburned and getting hungry, but I am having the best time ever. We hiked up Diamond Head today. Surveyed the coast. I approve. There is so much stuff to do. Not enough time. Or daylight. Okay, enough internet for now.

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project 365 vacation

Day 275 — Gone Fishin’

In a few hours I’ll be trudging through security at the Memphis airport, hoping that all the crap in my purse is considered non-terroristic and whatnot. And several jetlagged hours after that, I’ll be in lovely Hawaii, where I will proceed to seek out a pineapple-dipped hot dog and a bed for a massive nap. I don’t know if I’ll have any internet access (or, if I do, if I’ll even feel like using it),…

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