comedy webshits

Dearest Charles

There was this and then this and now there’s this: Dearest Charles, Many apologies for my much delayed response to your last correspondence. I have been extremely busy these past few long days organizing the local Klan uprising. No one ever really thinks about how much planning, flyering, and Tang mixing goes into your average Klan konference. No one, that is, except the koordinators themselves. And, of course, the kraft-tent organizers. (Just between you and…

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comedy webshits

My sweet prince speaks

After this, simply this: Lindsey, A comparison to Mencia is a low blow indeed, one that I hope has most more to do with that comedian’s penchant for sucking than the fact that he and I share a Latino heritage. The race card is now in play. You Racist, Charles When I got this message, I cracked up uncontrollably for about five minutes. I really don’t think any response I muster could possibly be good…

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How long should I keep this going?

I was alerted to this nugget of forced hilarity over at Knoxville Metropulse yesterday. I was a flaming bitch on wheels yesterday, so reading that really, really annoyed me. Like, more than most things — like breathing and blinking — annoy me. And I have mostly grown out of that phase where I like to argue with people on the internet (save the occasional passive-aggressive rant about drunk bitches from Virginia), so I shocked even…

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webshits work

On Mediaverse

Let the meta blow your mind. Friday morning I woke up and saw this post at Mediaverse in my Google reader and instantly had a mini-heart attack. What I had been working on late at night here at T&G had somehow shown up on the local media watchdog’s blog, where said watchdog had shared the following: And yesterday, CA designer Lindsey Turner posted a likely template design for what appears to be a new CA…

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comedy they're coming webshits

Rights of the undead

I spent a portion of my weekend watching this thread on abortion unfold over at Nashville is Talking, where it started out being about Stacey Campfield’s kooky death-certificates-for-aborted-fetuses legislation that has gotten him craploads of press lately and ended up being yet another battle between the Lord’s Army and us wretched Babykillers. (Twisty takes on the Campfield hooplah here.) If you read the thread (and I’m daring you to; it’s 207 comments of pure flamewar…

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