school work

You gotta sing your heart out, sing it like you mean it

So I go to this medical center in Nashville today to get a physical/drug test and the people are all really rude to me, acting like I’m an inconvenience to them. I wait for 30 minutes in the lobby, watching person after person come and go. When I’m called back, the doctor looks like he is on crack. His eyes are all red and watery, his nose pulsating with broken capillaries. He’s shifty, looking back…

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newspaper stuff work

I just want to be my dad … with a slight sprinkling of my mother

I officially have an internship this summer. It’s in Birmingham at the Birmingham News. All I’ve got to do is set up a physical/drug screening in M’boro sometime soon so they can tell if I’ve got AIDS or am genetically predisposed to be a bad designer. Who knows. But they’re drawing blood, which makes me squicky. I’ve never had blood drawn before and I understand it’s a notably unpleasant experience. But I’m excited that I…

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the family work

Part two

I’m working with a sense of urgency today. There are four carts full of books waiting to pass through me. And there are several kits on each cart, which means there’s no quick stamping-and-pasting action on my part. Instead, each kit has to be cracked open, its contents meticulously labeled and stamped and numbered so that each tiny piece has enough ID on it to return it to its mommy if it gets lost. This…

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In the middle of the night I call your name

Oh, Yoko. I am stressed out. Lord. I’m trying to pin down at least one story (I’m working on two) today for Monday’s issue. If I don’t contact the lottery commission media lady by 4, it’s doomed. And naturally, the contact I need to make on campus for the other story is AWOL. It wouldn’t be so bad if we had some other hard news for Monday, but we really don’t. It will be hell…

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