
Things that are making me stupid giddy right now

fucking finally

Isobamapresidentyet.com (seen above) and Palinaspresident.com

• My man won. I have backed him all along and I can’t even tell you what a relief it is to see him come out ahead with such a wide margin. I have faith in him and I know fully well that he could disappoint me hugely (being human and all) but I believe in his essential goodness enough to really really root for him to do the right thing and feel reasonably confident that he will make good judgments and surround himself with good, sensible people. Coming off of eight years of following what seemed to be an absurd and ironic morality play, it is going to take some time to get used to being led by an intellectually curious and fairly inspiring personality. What a dilemma, right?

• We got happy hour prices and a free shot of tequila tonight (and a plastic election-night hat!) at The Cove. And there were people there shaking noisemakers and shouting “Viva la revolucion!” And the barkeep made a funny face when I ordered tequila and wine at the same time. We finally explained where we worked and I think then he understood the urgent need for liquor, which is, I think, why we got the discount.

• Sarah Palin might very well become a historical footnote, and hopefully a cautionary tale about how sex appeal used as political strategy is FUCKING BOGUS.

• This country just evolved. Just took a major leap forward. Fifty years ago it was perfectly fine to deny black people participation in our society. And now? Clearly their participation is fucking crucial and important and in a fully undeniable way (as it should have been all along). Apparently there are some white folks who don’t understand why their fellow white folks would get emotional and excited about the prospect of a non-white presidential candidate. To which I can only say IF YOU DON’T GET IT, THEN YOU DON’T FUCKING GET IT AND NO ONE IS OBLIGATED TO EXPLAIN IT TO YOU.

• Tears if joy. When’s the last time I actually cried those?

3 thoughts on “Things that are making me stupid giddy right now”

  1. Last night made me wish I was still a newspaperman and not some silly book editor. This was like the first Clinton election, but 1,000 times more. Way more! And my temporarily adopted state of Pennsylvania actually came through and did the right thing. I even cast my little ballot down at the Salisbury Township firehouse, surrounded by Republican Amish people. Absolutely magnificent. Good job on the paper, by the way.

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