
When you can hear me coming and going

I refuse to get old

Grown-up decisions

I get annoyed at how often I balk at the trappings of adulthood. Bills show up, expecting that I pony up for all the amazing and comfortable things I have access to on a daily basis and I feel personally affronted. BUY WHYYY DO I HAVE TO PAYYY FOR STUFFFF! my brain says, seizing into the fetal position. Paralysis sets in when I have to make important decisions. Hell, even not very important decisions, like…

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musings parenthood work

A Life in the Day: 3.22.13

Last January, I did one of these so I could remember how it was taking care of a newborn while on maternity leave. I figured I’d do one again while I am a Working Mother of a Toddler, so that in a year or two when my life has changed yet again (spoiler alert: it just keeps changing!), I can look back and try to remember what this life was like. So here is a…

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After five point five years of living in Memphis — including many months of owning a home here — I’ve finally decided to take the plunge and get Shelby County tags. I figure I may as well fritter away my tax dollars locally rather than in Hardin County, where they go to build jails that house former high school classmates of mine. At least in Shelby County my tax dollars can go to fund some…

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memories the family

Grandmaw’s back yard

My grandmother broke her shoulder during a fall a few weeks ago, and now she’s living in Decatur County with my aunt and uncle until she regains control of her arm and can once again perform all those awesome arm functions that differentiate human adults from human babies. Ass wiping, mostly. (Grandmaw, if you ever read this, I hope you will laugh at that joke and not be scandalized. I love you and the internet…

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