friends videos

Bonnaroo: THE VIDEO

It’s a little long and it’s edited rather jankily but you get what you pay for here at T&G, sweet thang. You get what you pay for. Bonnaroo 2009 from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo.

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comedy friends

Bonnaroo prep

Amber: We need a bucket and laundry soap. me: yeah Amber: Biodegradable laundry soap. So we can drink it and get fuuuuuuuucked uuuuuuup. me: woooooooooooooooooo *urp* Amber: lols me: i guess my biggest concern is the bathing situation. i get grumpy when i’m dirty and especially when my hair gets greasy. Amber: They have showers. Dorm showers. me: it’s a big fountain, ain’t it? oh really?! weird Amber: And I have dry shampoo And razors…

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friends music project 365 (2009)

Day 112: Minglewood

Usually Minglewood sports these neat purply black lights that kind of hurt my eyes as I pass, but tonight they were rockin’ the clown lights. I dig, a lot. Still never been there for a show. I thought for a long hard minute last night about buying tickets to the MGMT show in June, but then just as soon as I could think about that, I decided on a lark to go to Bonnaroo with…

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