I hate/love nature project 365 (2009)

Day 156: Nest

Lately I’ve been paying some attention to my long-neglected balcony. I really don’t spend enough time out there, and it’s probably because it’s filthy most of the time. (And also because a huge spider lives in one of the brick columns and I’m convinced he’s going to pounce on my face and suck my brain out through my eye sockets if I hang out there too much.) I love all my smoker friends, but they…

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project 365 (2009)

Day 153: Horizontal

Sick day. Didn’t feel like plugging in the DVD player so I just watched fuzzy Seinfeld on Fox13. Think my issues are sinus and/or inner-ear related. Doctor visit imminent. Sentence fragments. [Project 365]

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project 365 (2009) the family

Day 146: Pot Holder

Some days your daily pic is nothing new, nothing exciting. Just an old hand-made pot holder that used to be your great-grandmother’s that you hang in your kitchen because it’s beautiful. [Project 365]

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poetry project 365 (2009)

Day 126: ‘Across Every Valley, Across Every Roof’

The Flood by Leonard Cohen The flood it is gathering Soon it will move Across every valley Across every roof The body will drown And the soul will break loose I write all this down But I don’t have the proof [Project 365]

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friends project 365 (2009)

Day 91: April Showers

My pal Tamara was ever so kind enough to help me come up with a concept for today’s photo. I was all TELL ME WHAT TO PHOTOGRAPH PLEASE I AM OUT OF IDEAS. And she was all HANG ON I WILL SAVE YOUR ASS. And she said “April showers” and I took it literally and voila — one more day of this project in the can. Heh. Can. Get it? Shower? Bathroom? Can? Bathroom? Can?…

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music project 365 (2009)

Day 57: Perspective

My photos lately have been fairly uninspired. I’m not writing much. I feel a modest amount of guilt about this. And yet. The world is big and full of problems and my lack of creative inspiration ain’t one of them. My brain lately has been preoccupied with other more basic things — things so basic and earnest that everything else seems to shrink away like wax under a hot-air gun. There is no use trying…

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I'm posting about my damn cats again project 365 (2009)

Day 47: Curtain Call

“I like the sun and all, but I want to be able to control it.” That sentence came out of my mouth yesterday, so I bought and hung curtains for the first time in my life — no, really — and am looking so completely forward to deciding whether or not I want to wake up with sunshine punching me in the face tomorrow morning. So far, the cats and I have an understanding that…

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I'm posting about my damn cats again

King of the castle, king of the castle

I’ve already posted my photo for day 31, but I have to post an additional little something. If ever there was any doubt about who owns this place, let this picture serve as a definitive reminder. It is amazing to me how evil this cat looks in photos but how deliciously adorable he is in person. The little shit.

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