I hate/love nature photography


My parents’ place has its share of dragonflies, and my favorite thing about them — aside from their obvious awesome weirdness — is that they just sit there even if you get up in their faces with a camera. I can’t even imagine what I could do if I had an actual macro lens and some actual patience.

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friends project 365 (2009)

Day 95: Playing Dead

Sometimes if you play your cards right, you can watch a game of kickball, find a four-leaf clover, eat a buffalo burger, piss off bumblebees, eat s’mores, drink rum and cranberry/pomegranate juice, and watch The Warriors with your friends in the same night. I guess that doesn’t have a whole lot to do with this picture, but then again it kind of has everything to do with everything. Pro Tip: Hot-ass Michael Beck (who played…

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