friends project 365 (2009)

Day 81: Crafty

Not too long after this picture was taken, Bones — the puppy who loves to be manhandled — got in a little love tussle and traipsed right through the blue paint and left a sweet little paw-print track on the hardwood floor, and was all like, “What? It’s art.” [Project 365]

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friends Memphis Midtown project 365 (2009)

Day 73: Party Casualty

We didn’t intend to trash Ashley/Will/Semelea/Justin’s house when we went over there for food and fellowship, but we are a whirling dervish of crazy and we leave a path of destruction everywhere we go. Also, we will spend a substantial amount of time making out with your sweet little dog and possibly breaking his heart. You’ve been warned. [Project 365]

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