creativity Project 365 (2011)

Day 31/365: Crafty

Making lots of test items lately, but none of them work well enough to even give away. Slowly — verrrry slowly — realizing that my favorite part of the crafting process is the scouting cool, cheap materials to use. Neither invention nor assembly is my forte. Bah. [Project 365]

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holidays photography shameless self-promotion

New stuff in the shop

  My apologies to those of you who have seen this on the Tweet-o-sphere and the Facebooktubes already, but I’m trying to reach eyeballs. Lots and lots of eyeballs. The thing is this: I am selling holiday cards made from my photos in the Etsy shop. One features this bird print and the other features this snowy branch print (both of which are also for sale in several sizes). Fun fact about these cards: If…

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Crafty concerns

I was so excited to start making and selling magnets made from my photos, until I did a couple of test batches and realized that the glass marbles I bought have lots of bubbles in them. I’m thinking people will see the finished product and think the bubbles are something I neglected to fix when gluing. So now it’s back to square one. I bought some larger marbles that are a nice, substantial size, but…

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