
Dream house

I had gotten a steal on a huge house. A house with hidden rooms and tucked-away stairwells and the kind of complicated, byzantine layout that makes one think of the inner ear. There was one room with a wall of windows, each pane capable of opening on its own if you had the proper key, the whole wall lit by large, twinkling glass bulbs that turned themselves on at night. The seller had left behind…

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dreams music

Last night, on Theogeo Mind Movies

Last night’s Nyquil-induced dreams were incredibly long and detailed — the kind that you can fall right back into after you wake up wondering what the hell is going on inside your skull. The only bits I can really remember vividly are of being at some sort of dinner theater place, an auditorium draped thick with equal parts velvet and age. My companion and I had front-row seats to some big event, and as we…

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musings project 365 (2009)

Day 88: Strung

These invisible tethers that keep us in each other’s lives, that keep our feet on the ground and our tongues tied — where do they come from? Who put them there? I had a dream once where I was out in a sun-flecked meadow, and suddenly the wind caught me and lifted me into the air like a kite and wouldn’t let me down. I sailed over the meadow, rising higher and higher, bound to…

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Fast dreams

Not eating for a couple of days does strange things to a body and a mind. Like, for example, causing a dream in which there is a band field show featuring two kids who look just like the Olson twins (circa late Full House), dressed up as The White Stripes, singing “When I Hear My Name.”

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dreams politics why am I telling you this?

This election has officially driven me insane. Er. Insaner.

Last night I dreamed that I had awesome clandestine closet sex with Barack Obama at a party. And then I felt really, really bad for doing such a thing to Michelle.

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Can’t sleep, bad dreams will eat me

I can’t sleep in my childhood bedroom anymore. This has been a problem for a while now. Every time my head hits the pillow and my eyes flutter shut in the darkness, I see things. Shapes of things looming. Eyes watching. Bad things. When I finally get ahold of myself and drift off to sleep, this absurd cycle of anxiety-ridden dreams and nightmares gets started. Just now I had entered that delicious limbo phase when…

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