
Day 37/365: Hot Hot Hot Wings

I suspect there is such a thing as Super Bowl collective consciousness. Case in point: There were four kinds of hot wings brought by at least three people to the potluck. This would be fairly unremarkable — wangs is football eatin’ — except for the fact that at last year’s potluck, we all brought chili. EXPLAIN THAT, SCIENCE. These particular wings were dipped in some special sauce whipped up by Ray, who feels like if…

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food friends Project 365 (2011)

Day 35/365: Lady Lunch Land

I met up with Amy Friday for lunch at Flight, which brought the concept of crawfish mac ‘n’ cheese into my life. I’m no seafood fan, so I was full of trepidation, but I made the leap and HOLY GOD that shit is good. Score one for the mudbugs. It was nice having an actual lunch at actual lunch time, with an actual human friend! I don’t get out a lot before noon, can you…

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food friends Project 365 (2011)

Day 27/365: The Food Blogger in Action

Had a tasty lunch at Fuel with Lesley. There was vegetarian meatloaf, applewood bacon, hot tea and baked brie. Ahhhhh, the luxury of getting out of the house. [Project 365]

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food travel vacation

Ass-kickin’ Asheville

Asheville is the shit. Let’s just get that out of the way real quick. Because Asheville, for whatever reason, is one of those places that has flown completely under my radar. It wasn’t until I was trying to think of interesting places to visit on the last half of my pre-Christmas vacation that my pal Shane suggested it to me, since it’s so dang close to Gatlinburg (less than a two-hour drive). He said his…

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I don’t know if this is a thing with a name or not (Google only seems to return results for champagne-and-pomegranate-juice cocktails, one of which is called The Lava Lamp because of bubbles’ tendency to make the seeds go up and down), but I did it and now I intend to do it a lot more because it is simple and pretty and tastes freaking awesome. Sparkling wine (I had Barefoot brut cuvee) + pomegranate…

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food friends

Meanwhile, back at the ranch

I watched as the manfriend poured ranch dressing on his slice of garlic chicken pizza at the Pizza Cafe. I said, “You are going to be able to taste nothing but ranch!” Incredulous, he said, “Why would you want to taste anything else?”

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music musings the family

Sunday soundcheck*

Sunday morning in Memphis. Old School Freight Train is on the iTunes, water is on the stove boiling for coffee, and biscuits are waiting to be put in the oven. Yes, they’re frozen but they deserve respect because they will be delicious. The AC is earning its keep up above me. It’s a trip having your own central air. You Midtown people know what I’m talking about, I’m sure. That quiet chilly breath on your…

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