I can't believe I'm talking about sports the family

Good ol’ Rocky Top

  Saturday afternoon my aunt Vicki and her crew — boyfriend Paul and friend Ralph — rolled into town for the UT-Memphis football game, an affair we had been planning for months. We had a few hours to kill and found ourselves at India Palace, heaping piles of deliciousness onto stark white buffet plates. Why is it that I can never remember to wait and get a big plate from the middle, and instead, always end…

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I can't believe I'm talking about sports

Fear me, football wonks

Vicious Thighs is starting out strong this year with a week one squeaker and then this week two blowout. As in years past, I am employing a strategy of radical cluelessness, which propelled me to second place in the league last year. Second place by single digits, no less! This post is in no way my attempt to gloat like a hubris-faced chump without all-out jinxing myself. Nope. No sir.

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