food friends movies

In which I enjoy preparing food until The Universe reminds me that I have no business doing so

SS visited this weekend, and, hoping to counteract the heaping amounts of awfulness we ingested at IHOP (or, I-Poh those of us who may be dyslexic), we went to the grocery story Sunday night to stock up on semi- to mostly healthy things to make for dinner. We settled on the ingredients for some grilled chicken wraps and I decided that I wanted to try to recreate the roasted grapes I had at Lesley’s house…

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friends Murfreesboro


Old and busted: Sitting in my parents’ office in the squeaky desk chair, craning my neck upward to look at the monitor, cussing heartily at the plodding pace of their ancient Dell. The new hotness: Doing my nightly websurfing ritual sitting cross-legged on their couch with a laptop warming my crotch and a sleeping Daschund next to me. I made a whirlwind trip to Murfreesboro yesterday to celebrate an old friend’s emancipation from the ‘Boro…

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