health Project 365 (2011)

Day 24/365: Peach Tea

We’re having a little too much fun with compromised immune systems here at Chez Theogeo. Did I say “fun”? Oh, lolz. I surely did not mean fun, unless you consider head-rattling coughing, ear-splitting headaches, bone-grinding joint pain, squishy fluid-filled ears, and snotty snot snot fun. This has been an interesting bout of sickness for me; I can usually be relied upon to have one whizbang of a sinus infection every winter/spring, which will start in…

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the family


Krissie’s prognosis is better. I visited yesterday and she had apparently just tried to get out of her room before the nurse corralled her. She’s ready to get out of that place. I would be too. She’s texting now, and checking Twitter to read back on all my updates (she was so out of it for most of that stuff that it’s probably a pretty bizarre timeline to read), and generally feeling more upbeat. Which…

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the family

Hospital stories

    Night one: After the hospital’s 10 p.m. lockdown Thursday, My brother and I took to the halls in search of distraction. I was mostly looking for a wifi signal. We discovered a cafeteria gearing up for its nightly output, and I fed myself forkfuls of chocolate chess pie and gulps of coffee as he watched crap TV in the dining room. We continued the sugar dump in the vending area, with him knocking…

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project 365 (2009) the family

Day 99: Phew

A few weeks ago, my dad’s heart doctor suspected that Dad had had a heart attack some time recently. So he sent him to Memphis for a battery of tests. I hoofed it out east yesterday to sit with my parents in the waiting room in between the tests. The people at the Stern Cardio clinic were ridiculously nice to us. I watched my dad come and go from the waiting room while wearing a…

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creativity health musings project 365 (2009) the family work

Day 83: Escape

Programming Note: This week I’m challenging myself to shoot only with my fixed 50mm lens, since I rarely ever use it. Let’s see how long that lasts! March is racing past us at a clip I’m uncomfortable with, and 2009 so far has kicked my ass in ways both good and bad. Last year was complete and all-encompassing madness from March until June, and it seems like that’s going to be the case again this…

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news why am I telling you this?

The end of the world

I got in to work today and saw this fortune peeking out from under my mouse pad, and for a brief, delusional moment, thought that it was a sign from The Cosmos, a comforting hug from The Universe, an obliging reacharound from Fate, and I got to feeling kind of — dare I say — upbeat. I wondered where it had come from, who had left it for me, and what he/she meant by it.…

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