Memphis Midtown project 365 (2009)

Day 218: This Is What Happens When You Try to Buy a House In Midtown

Fun fact: Midtown Memphis is the only area in West Tennessee in which you cannot pull housing comps based on Zip code alone. What that means, essentially, is that finding a house in Midtown Memphis and settling on a fair price for it is a huge pain in the ass. I am learning more about real estate than I ever cared to know. I don’t want to write a whole lot about it because so…

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Midtown Phil project 365 (2009)

Day 31: Philouette

Today Phil and I shoveled Mexican food into our mouths and then capped it off with a trip to Hi-Octane Vintage on Young, where I kind of fell a little in love with a muumuu (can I just point out that my iTunes queued “Fat Bottomed Girls” as I typed the word “muumuu”?) and several bits of glassware. Alas, despite there being plenty of room in my lifestyle to accommodate a muumuu, I did not…

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