
Horoscopes for Toddlers

ARIES Your upper lip will find itself in a fight with a puffs tin, and you will be suckerpunched by gravity and surprised by the floor when it rises to greet your face. The good news: The other babies will not f*ck with you because you will look like a boxer. Lucky numbers: None TAURUS Jupiter is in retrograde, even though Mommy said it was way up there in the sky. How could Mommy lie…

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it's true — I'm crazy the family


Scene: In pasture by pond, youngest nephew fishing. Me: That horse is about to poop! Youngest nephew: Huh? Me: Its tail is raised! Awww, it went behind a tree. How modest. Youngest nephew: Ew, did you want to watch it? Me: Kinda! Youngest nephew: [horrified expression]

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