


Be gone

Normally I try not to get too upset at winter for doing its thing. Just let it run its course. It’ll lose steam and get gone and we’ll see it creeping back in later in the year after it’s run off to have its affairs elsewhere. Hell, I even appreciate that winter gives me a few months of long sleeves, layers, tights, coats and scarves. But this year… You gotta go, dude. Get.

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    I was having a big time out in the yard photographing the glassy branches when a big oak limb in my neighbor’s yard snapped and fell to the ground, bringing a power line (or cable line? not sure) to the ground with it. I thought for a split second she’d coming running outside and see me there at midnight and suspect I’d done something to bring the branch down, but then I realized…

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project 365 (2009) weather women

Day 29: Thawing

My crud seems to be worsening. I might actually have to haul ass to the doctor, despite my eight-year-old-inner-child protests. On the subject of frigidity (we were talking about that, right?), I finally reviewed The World’s Dumbest Book. Did that feel good, you ask? Yes. Yes, it did. I got so carried away that I left out the part where the author lists her cures to low self-esteem. Among them? Cut out all sugar, refined…

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