
‘On our way, so it seems’

I remember when this song was new in the world and so was I, in a way. Memphis. Windows down, sun setting, so bored and lost that I felt annoyed by all the goddamned freedom. The past several months (years) have worn me down in ways I could not have predicted but that seem necessary for me to evolve. I’ve made some very difficult decisions but I am buoyed by the thought of better days…

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music my moods are stable so STFU

Friday sex injection

I’m not sure what triggered it (hormones, probably — gah, I am just a big janky blog blob of chemicals), but last night I caught a case of the grumps and I slept on it and it didn’t go away, so all morning/afternoon I’ve been simmering and wondering how I can make it go away or, failing that, figure out the best way to wait it out. Watching the Kings of Leon perform an exorcism,…

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